John W Brown


This weekend I went down to the John W Brown. The Brown is one of two fully operational liberty ships that was a part of WW2. I am a crew member on the Brown. We had a great weekend with over 600 passengers, A SOLD OUT CRUISE!! All the crew had a great time, we showed off our amazing piece of art. We had a wonderful air show in Baltimore harbor. Our cruises reenact what the ship did in its war days. We have a full air show and also all of the guns on the Brown fully work, and trust me they are loud. Also, we have a full museum down in the hatches on the ship where we can display real artifacts of the ship in its WW2 days. All in all we put our love into this ship to keep her up and running. As you might imagine a 442' foot ship is not easy to keep up but we manage with over 75 years on the water and 30 years as a project liberty ship we do a pretty good job.  Come down and visit our ship,  the John W Brown.

JuniorVessel Ops